Аспірантура в Канаді - Graduate Student Positions in Potato Science / 2017

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Шановні колеги!

Я шукаю студентів в аспірантуру робити MSc або PhD по картоплі. Деталі в оголошенні, яке я додаю до цього листа. Оскільки наш Інституту Клітинної Біології та Генетичної Інженерії має великий досвід в культурі клітин in vitro, я особливо зацікавлений в кандидаті для проекту по вирощуванню мінібульб картоплі в біореакторах. Я шукаю талановитих студентів з високими оцінками і працездатністю, які серйозно налаштовані на наукову кар’єру. Строки подачі документів:

  • 1-ше жовтня,
  • 1-го лютого,
  • 1-го травня.

Щиро дякую Вам!

З повагою,
Дмитро Євтушенко

Dmytro Yevtushenko, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Research Chair
Potato Research Laboratory
University of Lethbridge, Alberta
Office: 403-317-2879
Cell: 778-922-3101

Оголошення (pdf) Graduate-studies-advertisement 1000x 300dpi.jpg

Graduate Student Positions in Potato Science

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lethbridge

Graduate student positions (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) are available in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. The positions will focus on fundamental studies of potato biology that present practical interest to the potato industry, using modern methods of plant molecular biology, physiology, biochemistry and plant tissue culture. Research projects include (but are not limited to) the following areas:

  1. Physiological age of the seed potato, with emphasis on factors controlling tuber dormancy and sprout growth, and development of molecular markers - indicators of physiological age;
  2. Postharvest storage and physiology;
  3. Production of seed potato minitubers in vitro using temporary immersion bioreactors;
  4. Plant pathology, with focus on population biology and control strategies for Verticillium wilt, Fusarium dry rot, and Phytophthora late blight disease development in potato.

We are looking for highly motivated students interested in potato biology, with excellent academic standing and knowledge of plant science and/or plant pathology. Previous research experience in relevant fields would be beneficial. International applicants must provide acceptable evidence of English Language Proficiency (ELP) for graduate students.

The positions are fully funded for a period of two years for a M.Sc. program ($21,000 per year), and four years for a Ph.D. program ($23,000 per year). Additional scholarships and awards are available to all eligible students. Applicants should have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 (based on the uLethbridge 4.00 scale) on the last 20 graded university-level term courses. Applicants with GPA of 3.5 are offered the SGS Tuition Scholarship, which fully covers the Tuition Fees. Applicants with GPA of 3.7 are considered for the SGS Dean’s Scholarship, which provides additional $10,000 per year. Please find information on the application procedure at www.uleth.ca/graduate-studies/.

Interested students are encouraged to send a CV, unofficial university transcripts, and a brief statement of research interests to:

Dr. Dmytro Yevtushenko
Research Chair in Potato Science
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Lethbridge, Alberta
Email: dmytro.yevtushenko@uleth.ca

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